Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Oh where, oh where has our President gone. Oh where, oh where can he be...

This I the song that comes to mind whenever questions get ask about issues involving our Great Leader. He who has been chosen by God to lead us "lambs."
And the way things are going, we are most likely being led to the slaughter.

We find ourselves with a president who, at this point, doesn't have the courage to face allegations laid against him.
Whenever issues arise that questions our president's values and his management capabilities, his first reaction is to keep quiet and not say anything. He would rather have his minions categorically state that the presidency is not involved, than to come forward and give his say.

This is scary, because if you cannot stand up for yourself, how do you expect people to believe that you will stand up for them.

But what am I saying, this will be our presidents final term after the next elections.  (Yes, let's not kid ourselves. The ANC is going to win the next election)
So he will be looking to make enough money, strike up the right relationships and put into law the necessary policies to benefit himself snd his friends.

So this would mean that he would be to busy to face up to any allegations against him.