Wednesday 13 April 2011

Struggling with the "Struggle Song"

Yet again Julius Malema finds himself in the spotlight. He has been a bit quiet over the last few months and it's good to see him back to his old self. The matters surrounding his return to being the centre of attention is his singing of a "struggle song" that includes the words, "kill the boer." This has shaken a group of people, noticably "white people" in feeling offended and they are asking for the banning of this song.

Julius Malema, with the backing of the ANC of course, is saying that this is a struggle song and is part of our heritage. It is sang in rememberence of the struggle in the apartheid regime. My question to that is, "Why is it required to sing struggle songs considering that we have been "free" for over 15 years now?" I know it is always important to remember what has happened in our past, but if that results in us becoming attacking and threatening towards others, then we should really consider our position. This will only make us the same as those that many people fought against to ensure our freedom. We will become our own worst nightmares and everything that was gained through the struggle will filter into nothing.

Coming back to the topic, "Why is the ANC still singing struggle songs at this point in time?"
Throughout history, wherever there have been people who have been oppressed, people have been singing songs to motivate themselves to stand up against those who have took away their rights. These would normally been people in power, in control, GOVERNMENT. But wait, this doesn't make sense to me. The ANC is in power are they not. They are the ones ruling most of South Africa. So why are they singing struggle songs. They are in control.They are the ones who have the power. If they see struggling and oppression, they can step in and ease the situation. So why?

I unfortunately don't see this matter just blowing over. In todsys society, winning is everything and this will ultimately lead to this matter dragging on and on. Julius will never admit defeat and will fight for all his worth. And there is no stopping a person with the attitude of, "I am right and you are a BLOODY AGENT!"

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