Monday, 23 May 2011

And just like that, "POOF", they're gone.

It has been 5 days since we went to make our mark in the municipal elections and everything went off without a glitch. Well, not counting an electoral office that was burnt down and a road leading to another being demolished, there was no major issues. The IEC did an exceptional job and they should be congratulated on a job well done.

We ourselves should stand up and accept a huge round of applause for our interest that we have shown in this elections. We stood in queues and made our mark in support of our favoured political party.

If we look at what happened in this election, the ANC re-established it's dominance in South Africa. But this victory was not as sweet as what the leaderboard suggests. Fact is that the ANC lost support. Whether it was because of former ANC supporters voting for other political parties or for the fact that some ANC supporters refused to vote, it will remain that this was not a "great victory" for them.
The DA on the other hand are walking around all happy with themselves. They have once again re-affirmed their dominance in the Western Cape and have gained votes in various areas. If this trend should continue, we might just have a new party ruling South Africa in the near future. And then I would love to see the biblical implications because like we all know, according to our ruling party, the ANC will rule until The Saviour returns.

And just like that, POOF, they're gone.
It's like they all dissappeared!

But what has happened to our politicians?

It feels a bit weird. For the last few months, you could not even turn your head and you would hear something about some political party.
But what does this mean? Why are they not saying anything anymore?

But I am sorry to say, "This is what politics has become." It has evolved from a job which meant that people wanted to serve their community to a job which means that you have to trick people to put you into power so that you can do whatever you want whenever you like to grow your bank account.

With all the campaigning and all the visiting of areas, you would think that politicians would revisit those areas to thank the people for voting for them.

But no! They have all received what they set out to get and now they can go about doing what they want. It is no longer necessary to kiss ass and promise, promise, promise! That is until the next elections!

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