Wednesday 30 March 2011

You are free to vote for whomever WE want you to.

YOU are free to vote for whomever WE want you to.

This is the impression that is given when we look at what is currently happening within the ANC. There are protests taking place in no less than 60 ANC branches across South Africa over the selection process of candidates who will be running in the local municipal elections. Protesters are lodging complaints at the ANC headquarters because the candidates which they have chosen are being over-looked and those that are being chosen seem to have ties with current ANC high ranking officials. The people are lodging complaints and have yet not obtained a response to justify why these candidates were chosen.

This story has made headlines and has simply just faded away. I would like to bring this up because this links to what I have been asking myself for a while.

How free and fair is our elections?

If we look at something like this we realize that we are being brainwashed by the illusion of "living free". We believe and it is driven into our heads that we have a choice in how our country is being run. The only influence we have is that of putting a party into power. The rest is out of our hands. Yet, we seem to be the ones who bear the brunt all the hardships that take place. We the ones who have to pay more for food, pay more taxes, put up with poor service delivery, etc.

So why is it so easy for us to be manipulated like this?

It is because we choose to be "sheep" We choose to run around in a field, in a group, making a noise. But if we are given the opportunity to stand alone. We freeze and become unresponsive. This is why it is so easy to take advantage of us, because if we start to make a noise, all that has to be done is to have us separated.

It is about time that we start looking at what is happening around us. What our response would be if we found ourselves in testing situations. We should consider coming up with solutions instead of only acknowledging problems. We should take a stand, question and not just accept what is being said. We should not be afraid to take a stand, even though it means that we will be standing alone.

If we can start doing this, we will start being responsible and accountable for achieving a better life for all.

Monday 21 March 2011

De Lille's Boo Monday

Today we celebrated Human Rights Day. Dancing, singing and simply enjoying one another's company. Everywhere, people were rejoicing as one.
Well, almost everywhere.

Patricia de Lille was not one of those fortunate people. She got a rather rude welcoming at a ceremony at Athlone Stadium. When going up to do her opening speech, she got "booed" from a certain section of the crowd, that were obviously representing a certain political party. Funny though that she would be denied her Right to Freedom of Speech on Human Rights Day.

But what mindless people would perform this mindless act?
How mindless was the act?

I have no doubt that the individuals who performed the act was mindless. However, could this have been planned?
If you look at the situation. You find that on the one hand, you have a political party (ANC) in control of a country. In control of every province except the Western Cape. On the other, you have the direct opposition (DA) in control a province that you want to rule.
What do you do to try to strengthen your position?
Well that's simple. You induce a picture of unhappiness and instability relating to your opposition. So you get a group of mindless individuals to "boo" your direct opposition. This will give the impression that you have a strong political backing within an area and if you are lucky, you will have the person who is "bearing the brunt of it" maybe react in a manner that undermines them and gives their political party a bad name.

There is also another aspect that we can look at. And this is the position of the new ANC premier Marius Fransman. You can have him looking like someone who has control over the masses by stopping an "out-of-hand" crowd to protect your opposition. Now how powerful and great a person must you not be if you can save your enemy. This action could spring-board your reputation.

Did it work?
Unfortunately not. Simply because of the media. The media are writing it as it should be seen, as a disrespectful act. This is not the attention that the ANC needed.

But maybe there is a silver lining. This could distract the attention away from the happenings in Pietermaritzburg where an ANC meeting went horribly sour with allegations of corruption in selecting of ward candidates.

This hasn't been a good couple of weeks for the ANC has it!

Friday 18 March 2011

Shaik, Rattle and Roll

Shaik, Rattle and Roll...

This is probably what the DA is singing right about now. With all these things happening implicating the ANC. And just before the municipal elections! No guess who's voices are all merry at this point.

It seems that everything is going against the ANC at this present moment. The Jimmy Manyi comments are just starting to fade away and now they have to worry about Shabir Shaik and what he might do if he is sent back to prison. So I am waiting in anticipation to see how they are going to mange to resolve this issue.

If we go back to when Jacob Zuma and Shabir Shaik were being trialed for corruption, I found it rather strange that no-one focused on the matter of the two choosing to be trialed separately. This was ultimately done because there was no doubt that the verdict would be guilty. It was simply a matter of rather just having one take the fall. And if one of the two was without a doubt going to become the next president of South Africa, it wouldn't have taken a genius to establish who that would be. And when you president of a country, you can have a few things done what other people cannot. eg, being released from prison after serving two and a half years of a 15 year
sentence for being terminally ill, but not seeming to be able to die. (NB, It might be a miracle.)

The problem is now that Shabir finds himself in a position where he allegedly struck a reporter on a golf course and a man outside a mosque. This means that his parole can be revoked and he'll be sent back to prison. But because he took the fall a few years back, he believes that he is somewhat untouchable because Jacob Zuma owes him. And you couldn't wish for a better person in a better position to have in your pocket.

This leaves the ANC in a dilemma though. They can only protect Shaik to a certain extend because of all that has happened and the attention around the matter. But Shaik has become a loose canon and no-one can tell when he is going to fire. I think, that will most likely happen if he is sent back to prison. But that is seeming more and more unlikely because that would mean the end of Jacob Zuma's presidency and the media frenzy of all time.
So the ANC will pull all the strings to ensure that Shaik comes off "scott free."

Sunday 13 March 2011

Most Dangerous

In politics, the most dangerous person is not necessarily the one who has nothing to lose, but rather the one who has nothing to gain.

This is because this person cannot be looked at as having a hidden agenda, thus he or she cannot be countered. He or She also attracts the attention of more people who look at the matter simply because they are eager to find out why this person would say this.

This is the situation that the ANC find themselves in after Archbishop Desmond Tutu's speech in which he criticises the Zuma administration. They cannot counter what Tutu said, firstly because he has been a major figure in the "fight for freedom" in South Africa and secondly because, to publicly criticise Tutu,who has nothing to gain, would mean they would jeopardise losing more support. So they will not comment on what Tutu said so this story will simply filter away into the background.

They will have to do something though. Turning on someone within the organisation will most likely be the best bet to distract the media attention away from current matters.

But this is not likely to happen now. The president is currently in the Western Cape trying to rally support from the "coloured vote."
(Yes, yes. I know. I called it. Zuma's visit to Western Cape that is.)

The question that remains is,
"Why has the president not commented on the happenings over the past month and when will he?"

The obvious answer is that he wants a second term in office. He finds himself between a "rock and a hard place."
If he comments he will have to choose a side.
Either that of his cabinet, who made certain comments, but this would mean that he would lose the coloured vote and that means Western Cape.
If he takes actions against his cabinet who made certain comments, he risk mutiny. "Think Thabo Mbeki."

So don't hold your breath waiting to hear an answer from "OUR PRESIDENT!"

Wednesday 9 March 2011

We are in charge and we will do what we want!

We are in charge and we will do what we want!

That is basically what the ANC is saying by defending Jimmy Manyi and his comments about "Coloureds" and "Indians." Has it come to this where we have a political party, that is so held up on the fact that they are the majority, so they can do what they want because they will always be in power. And then it is done in clear view of the public as if to say that, they (the ANC) do not care what we know because we can do nothing about it.
The Nerve!!

I look at what politics has become and it is shocking to think how far it has evolved. Evolved from helping and supporting a nation to becoming a "get rich scheme" for politicians. If you look at it, politicians are more concerned about getting their piece of the pie, while they still in their term, than the concerns and needs of those who elected them to power. And then it happens as if in a pyramid scheme. You have 10 people in power that are making money, then that 10 nominate 2 new members in while 2 of the long serving members retire. Then in the next term, the same thing happens so that they can split the wealth, but only with those who are in their circle. The bad thing is that this is done so openly that people do not expect it to be wrong. I mean, "Who commits a crime in front of millions of people without any worries?"

Why is it then that we are just accepting everything that is being thrown our way?
For that answer, we have to look back to our "freedom from oppression."

The main weapon that we used to secure our freedom was "intellect." That was a weapon that we could use at any time and most importantly, we could never be disarmed. That was the main reason why we were able to rise up and free ourselves.

Now look at what is happening today.
Today we find ourselves in a society were we have of the worst matric results that we have ever had. Our school curriculum is is such a state they pupils in secondary schools have the reading and writing capabilities of a primary school level. In short, Students are being brought up to have a lesser intellect and this is why we are just accepting everything that is being thrown our way.

Why is this being done?
So that students do not have the capacity to think for themselves when they reach a mature level which means that that will not have the urge to stand up against government to ensure equality for all. You will not have boycotts. You will not have demonstrations. You will not have questioning of decision making.YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT!!!

Saturday 5 March 2011

"I am not a RACIST"

I'm sorry, but...

"I am not a RACIST!"
This is without a doubt the saying of the moment. A saying that Jimmy Manyi and Nomakula (Kuli) Roberts is using to try to convince people that they are simply being misinterpreted.
"Shame! Poor Jimmy and Kuli!"
If only the two had just thought before saying what they said, something we are taught as children to do, they would be still sitting on the high pedestals... Wait a minute! They are still sitting on that high pedestals. They just find themselves in a bit of bother. But what do they care. The worst thing that could happen is that they are forced into early retirement and get a lump some of money to disappear. In Jimmy's case, this is inevitable. The ruling party will have to throw him to the wolves to try to secure something that they are eager to obtain. "The Coloured Vote."

This will not be that easy though.
Not just because "coloureds" are not idiots, but also because this has been the one thing that the official opposition has been seeking, to use against them before the local municipal elections. And use it they will!
This means that the ruling party will have to get rid of Jimmy a good time before the elections takes place so that they can give the impression that they are all for "coloureds: and against what Jimmy said.
I say that this will happen within the next month.

So what does this mean to the "Insulted Coloured Race?"

Simply that for the next few weeks,
  1. Their asses will be kissed by everyone involved in government.
  2. They can expect better service delivery.
  3. Better living and housing standards.
  4. Special visits by government officials.
J.Z is coming to Mitchels Plain people!

And Jimmy and Kuli?
What will happen to them?
Well, they will most likely fade into the background. Disappear without a trace to live their lives in the "lap of luxury."

Trevor Whatever

Short Intro

I am a PROUD SOUTH AFRICAN living in the most beautiful city on earth. CAPE TOWN!!! 
Without a doubt, the one place that everyone wishes to visit. Once they have, they do not want to leave. 

Q: Who am I personally?
A: That is not important.

What is important is the impression I print on your lives.
Whether comments are positive or negative, relevant or irrelevant, inspiring or uninspiring, if it's worth talking about, I'll talk about it so keep an open mind. 

Your feedback will be much appreciated.
Do not worry,I have an open mind as well.

So here's to talking up a storm.