Wednesday 9 March 2011

We are in charge and we will do what we want!

We are in charge and we will do what we want!

That is basically what the ANC is saying by defending Jimmy Manyi and his comments about "Coloureds" and "Indians." Has it come to this where we have a political party, that is so held up on the fact that they are the majority, so they can do what they want because they will always be in power. And then it is done in clear view of the public as if to say that, they (the ANC) do not care what we know because we can do nothing about it.
The Nerve!!

I look at what politics has become and it is shocking to think how far it has evolved. Evolved from helping and supporting a nation to becoming a "get rich scheme" for politicians. If you look at it, politicians are more concerned about getting their piece of the pie, while they still in their term, than the concerns and needs of those who elected them to power. And then it happens as if in a pyramid scheme. You have 10 people in power that are making money, then that 10 nominate 2 new members in while 2 of the long serving members retire. Then in the next term, the same thing happens so that they can split the wealth, but only with those who are in their circle. The bad thing is that this is done so openly that people do not expect it to be wrong. I mean, "Who commits a crime in front of millions of people without any worries?"

Why is it then that we are just accepting everything that is being thrown our way?
For that answer, we have to look back to our "freedom from oppression."

The main weapon that we used to secure our freedom was "intellect." That was a weapon that we could use at any time and most importantly, we could never be disarmed. That was the main reason why we were able to rise up and free ourselves.

Now look at what is happening today.
Today we find ourselves in a society were we have of the worst matric results that we have ever had. Our school curriculum is is such a state they pupils in secondary schools have the reading and writing capabilities of a primary school level. In short, Students are being brought up to have a lesser intellect and this is why we are just accepting everything that is being thrown our way.

Why is this being done?
So that students do not have the capacity to think for themselves when they reach a mature level which means that that will not have the urge to stand up against government to ensure equality for all. You will not have boycotts. You will not have demonstrations. You will not have questioning of decision making.YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT!!!

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