Friday 18 March 2011

Shaik, Rattle and Roll

Shaik, Rattle and Roll...

This is probably what the DA is singing right about now. With all these things happening implicating the ANC. And just before the municipal elections! No guess who's voices are all merry at this point.

It seems that everything is going against the ANC at this present moment. The Jimmy Manyi comments are just starting to fade away and now they have to worry about Shabir Shaik and what he might do if he is sent back to prison. So I am waiting in anticipation to see how they are going to mange to resolve this issue.

If we go back to when Jacob Zuma and Shabir Shaik were being trialed for corruption, I found it rather strange that no-one focused on the matter of the two choosing to be trialed separately. This was ultimately done because there was no doubt that the verdict would be guilty. It was simply a matter of rather just having one take the fall. And if one of the two was without a doubt going to become the next president of South Africa, it wouldn't have taken a genius to establish who that would be. And when you president of a country, you can have a few things done what other people cannot. eg, being released from prison after serving two and a half years of a 15 year
sentence for being terminally ill, but not seeming to be able to die. (NB, It might be a miracle.)

The problem is now that Shabir finds himself in a position where he allegedly struck a reporter on a golf course and a man outside a mosque. This means that his parole can be revoked and he'll be sent back to prison. But because he took the fall a few years back, he believes that he is somewhat untouchable because Jacob Zuma owes him. And you couldn't wish for a better person in a better position to have in your pocket.

This leaves the ANC in a dilemma though. They can only protect Shaik to a certain extend because of all that has happened and the attention around the matter. But Shaik has become a loose canon and no-one can tell when he is going to fire. I think, that will most likely happen if he is sent back to prison. But that is seeming more and more unlikely because that would mean the end of Jacob Zuma's presidency and the media frenzy of all time.
So the ANC will pull all the strings to ensure that Shaik comes off "scott free."


  1. shaik aint that bad.what abouy guys like tony yengeni and tokyo sexwale.these guys were bad guys and yet they walking scott free.we need to worry about things that affect us directly eg the drug pandemic,cape towns high crime rate,unemployment on the cape flats etc.helen zille has failed cape town.instead of adressing these issues she is continually attacking jacob zuma who aint no angel i mite add.the problem with politics is politicians.they waste time speaking a whole lotta hot air.look at the ward councillor for d.a in mitchells plain.he made aa biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig story about cops that was sleeping on the mentime hes having a good sleep whilst these guys r protecting and serving community.moral of my story......shaik is a small fry.thers more important things to be concerned about.shotalot

  2. That is 100 percent correct Nasr, and I'm not saying that the DA is better than the ANC. I'm just bringing to light the happenings of now and how people are being blinded by false promises. Yengeni and Sexwale will not elude me and there will be talk about them. About the DA failing to run Western Cape properly. We are all individuals, but that is how we choose to live. We seem to not want to join forces and that is the issue in Cape Town. Why is it that every person in an area knows where a merchant lives, yet no-one has the strength to say, that is where a merchant lives so that something can be done about it. We should stop looking to be led and start looking to lead and that, I hope is what this column will bring across.
