Thursday, 10 December 2015

Watch me Dudu... I'll get rid of Nene

That is most likely what Zuma was singing to "his girl on the side" Dudu Myeni. This after Nhlanhla Nene stopped Dudu Myeni in her tracks when he rejected the SAA Airbus deal all but a week a go. 

But I cannot say that. I am just speculating when I say something like that. There is no actual proof. 

Well then Jacob Zuma, why do you not give us the reasons for why you fired Nene?

Oh. I forgot. That is not your style. We may not hear from you again for the next 2 weeks or so. 
That is usually how you play it. 

But by the looks of it, you are probably pushing for a 2 for 1 deal. The Airbus deal and the Nuclear Power deal for the firing of 1 finance minister.

One thing for sure, these actions prove but one thing. The ANC does come first and then South Africa. Zuma is really living up to that statement. 

Nhlanhla Nene, one of the few ministers in the current ANC Cabinet who showed an interest in what is best for South Africa. One who listened, questioned, listened and then answered. And his answers were based on what he saw, thought and felt. He was not programmed to give an ANC answer. 

Then I listen to the comments made by ANC Speaker, Zizi Kodwa. And we must make sure that we classify this role properly for a spokesperson speaks on what he understands and believes on behalf on individuals or a group and a Speaker simply opens their mouth and noise comes out. That is what every so called ANC spokesperson is. Nothing but a Speaker that transmits noise.
(Needed to vent there)

Well all what Zizi Kodwa said was that Jacob Zuma exercised his constitutional prerogative to appoint a new finance minister. 

Well done Zizi!! That really put me at ease. Next time, tell the people who are making the noise that comes out of your mouth to grow a pair and say what they actually feel.

They might lose their position, but like Nene, they will gain our respect.

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